Sunday, March 9, 2008

Focus and Baby Steps...

Slow steps and focus - that's the phrase that comes to mind when I think of all that's going on these days. The following probably contains much more info than you'd care to know. Feel free to scroll down to the end for the wrap-up.

I'm not doing as well at eating in a healthful manner this last week. I think it's a matter of focus. I do best when I have a single major topic to focus on. The only problem with that is that I, and I'm sure you, have many more things to focus on.

I am a child of God. I do best when I am actively working (read: focus) on my personal walk with the Lord. Regular church attendance, Bible study, in-depth teaching and study with the kids, etc. For this reason I'm glad I have a new Bible study beginning tomorrow evening. This class was scheduled to begin a few weeks ago and I had a scheduling conflict. Circumstances caused the class start date to change and now my conflict is resolved and I can attend the class (with many of the same wonderful ladies I've done studies with in the past).

I am also a wife and while it's easy to put one's relationship with their spouse to the side, it is not wise. I don't do well with distance between me and Ken. Constant attention to and awareness of our relationships is key to keeping them nourished, strong, and ever-growing. The more in-tune we are with each other the better we are at going through this crazy thing called "life." I'd love to say that this comes naturally, but it doesn't always. It takes conscious-effort to get back on track from the many side-tracks that grab our time and attention.

I am a mother. I am both mother and teacher to my two youngest children. Our schooling follows everything else; the natural ebbs and flows. Particularly energized at certain times of the year, rather "normal" most of the time, a bit "blah" following the holidays and toward the end of the school year- only to re-energize for the start of the next. This, of course, requires a lot of focus - on the curriculums, the teaching, the 24/7 demands.

I am also a mother...
to a bright and beautiful adult daughter expecting her 2nd child. She has not made life easy on herself. Many of her choices thus far have been detrimental and she both endures and causes much more hurt and pain than seems necessary. Although an adult, she is still my daughter and I cannot stop trying to guide and direct her. She has wonderful business and organizatilnal skills and would be an incredible asset anywhere she chose to go. Reliability is a positive trait and not something to be feared or avoided.

to an adult daughter expecting her 1st child this fall. A capable young woman seeking to prove herself to the world. She hasn't yet realized she's the real thing and doesn't have to be perfect. Perfect, while impossible anyway, would be so incredibly boring! What she looks for from her mom is different than her sister. She and her husband are making their own way in this world. They ask advice occasionally and both seem to have a strong sense of family. We enjoy time spent together.

to a college freshman son. He and his friends quickly realized and actively discussed what they see as the status of college students. They realize they are adults in the eyes of the world but know they "aren't quite there yet" because they are full time students. They aren't self-sufficient and it's an odd, in-between time. Mothering this young man is different from his siblings. We have "weekend visits," discussions on current-events and politics, share ideas on college papers, ask about grades (not nag, mind you), schedules and such. It's difficult on both mother and son for him to have "home" as one address but live on campus. He doesn't realy feel that either place is "his home." An incredibly bright young man who lacks self-confidence.

Grandmother -
This is a fairly new role for me. it has not turned out to be like I expected (then again, what does?). I love my grandson; he's incredible. He lives mostly with his father and that has put a distance in our relationship I don't always know how to handle. It is also difficult to be a grandparent while still parenting ones so young. Let's just say we're playing this one by ear.

Business Woman -
Being a woman in business is one thing. Beginning a business at this point in time is a challenge. It's a challenge I'm looking forward to. I love the products I'm selling and this will provide a wonderful teaching/learning opportunity for my kids. We're a homeschool family with a single income and that puts a lot of stress on Ken. That's why I need for this business to succeed.

Extended family, friends, acquaintances... these all have extraordinary influence and input in our day-to-day lives. We are blessed because of them.

This circle leads back to my opening of Focus and Baby Steps... Focus is a requirement in order to get through each day, each project. Baby steps will be the way to get things done. We can't get life done by trying to tackle huge projects in their huge form. All has to be broken down in manageable pieces.

Am I telling you anything you don't know? Of course not. I'm simply reminding myself!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You need a new posting. Love you!