Monday, January 14, 2008

Back Soon

Here we are, another Monday. Need I say more?

My daughter reminded me that I haven't written recently. I feel like I've been "away." As a nation in this 21st century we are incredibly blessed with medications to help so many ailments. These medications are so wonderful in fact that sometimes one's body doesn't want them stopped. That's where I'm at. My Dr. is making a change in meds that requires one to be lowered to elimination and then starting the new one. This is great in theory, however, my body apparently didn't get the memo. Mostly I've been sleeping; about 20 hours a day. When "awake," I'm slow to process even the most basic of conversations. Writing this entry is stop-and-go. I start a sentence then can't think of what the end of it should be.

So, bear with me during this transition in medications. I'm hoping to be up-to-speed very soon.

Oh, before I forget... a HUGE Congratulations to my youngest son, Christopher. He was the winner of his spelling bee Saturday. He currently holds the Homeschool Spelling Bee title in Greenville, Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union Counties of SC. He's certainly learning that hard work reaps rewards.

Have a terrific week!

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