Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Post New Year Come Down

Whew, what a season it's been. Let's see, it's January 8th and I'm just about over the holidays and back to "normal" life. I think this would be a good time for a "random thoughts" post.

  • It was sad taking down "Christmas;" I love our tree and really enjoyed seeing the outside lights through my bedroom window at night.
  • I read a rule of writing yesterday that states you should only use one exclamation point per year. Our writing should be such that exclamation points aren't needed in order for the reader to understand our meaning. Well...does that mean the reader should know where a sentence should end and we omit periods and question marks Too extreme I know but hey I like exclamation points I also like using "..." a lot
  • We just got word of a 50th Wedding Anniversary party being held for an aunt and uncle of Kenneth's in Daytona, FL in April. It will be great having a weekend getaway AND seeing family memebers we haven't seen in so long. (Hey, Little Bit, Beware of Abbey!)
  • The kids are keeping busy; Darrell's back at Erskine for winter term. Elisa is going back to University of SC Upstate for the next semester while still working full time in hotel management. Christopher is working hard for two upcoming spelling bees - the first of which is this Saturday. Shannon's about to be in her 2nd trimester with the new baby (think girl!). Abbey is our newest reader and she's doing better and better each day.
  • I believe 2008 has some wonderful things in store.

Have a terrific week!

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