Tuesday, January 8, 2008

This Just In...

I know I posted a little while ago but I just got some news that I had to share. As a homeschool mom I'm involved in a local homeschool group. This group is like extended family and the best group of prayer warriors you'll ever find. The following are two messages that came through our group last night, and this evening, respectively.

Please pray for my friend Linda and her family. We got to know them
while living in TN. Their 6 yo son, Josh, is having brain surgery
tomorrow. A tumor that was found a month ago deep in his brain. They
are very sweet people and I know they would love to know many more
people are praying for Josh and their family!


My heart broke when I read what this little boy was going to face today. The following is an update Lisa posted to the loop a few minutes ago.

GOD IS SO AWESOME!Josh was prepped and ready for surgery and 5 minutes
before going back the doctor came in and told his parents that
the "mass" had shrunk by 90% and was the size of a "bb". He said he
would not be able to find it if they tried. Mike and Linda told the
doctor that many people had been praying for him. The doctor did not
respond very much...so they feel that this could have been a way for
them to able to witness to the dr about how GREAT GOD IS!!. The doctor
said he had never seen a mass like Josh's be so large and shaped the
way it was, "lifesaver shape" and disappear so quickly. Josh goes back
in 1 month for another MRI and then they will see what, if anything, is
there. Thank you so much for all your prayers!


There's really nothing more I can add to this. I just knew I had to share it with you. Wow!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Sometimes I forget...Thanks for the boost.