Friday, February 8, 2008


It's Friday! Here comes the weekend!

With no obligations, a free weekend can hold adventure galore! Adventure (at least for me) doesn't have to involve scaling mountains, hiking forests or braving the rapids. I'm rather easy so adventure for me can involve an excursion to the neighboring county, a trip to the local home improvement store or even a family outing to the grocery store - as long as you mix it up a little. An adventure simply involves venturing to new experiences.

Of course "mixing it up" a little can be very difficult for some (most?) of us. We're conditioned to do things efficiently, quickly. We're calso comfortable with the norm. Fortunately, fun and adventure is just an idea away. At the grocery store? Plan a new meal you've never made at home before. Put it together with the family, letting each member contribute by suggesting side dishes, salad or dessert.

Ken and I each got GPS units for Christmas. It's not uncommon for Greta, my GPS, to dictate a route that's different from my usual one. Sometimes I'll stick to my tried-and-true way of traveling but other times I'll follow her suggestions; quick little mini-adventures.

"Vacation" at home? Sure! Look up your town's offerings online as a visitor would. Visit "downtown," picnic in a local park, visit a gallery or artisan's workshop. Window-shop somewhere different.

With a little imagination you can find (or create) adventure almost anywhere. That's good news with a free weekend in front of you!

Have fun...

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