Monday, March 17, 2008

I Came Back...

Wow, it's been awhile since I've written. No earth-shattering news; just the same old tired excuse everyone else has..."I've been busy."

I love this blog. I worry sometimes about what I write here. I don't want to whine too much. Don't want to sound like a know-it-all. Don't want to be preachy or too moody. I also know that I've done each of those things (and more) from time-to-time. Thanks for sticking around and traveling this winding road with me.

This week's bullets...

  • Saw oldest son today. He had car trouble and we met him to see about that and then went out to dinner. His Easter break starts at the end of the week. Hoping to see Shan and Matthew Tuesday and again on Friday.
  • I'm having a great time with my Mary Kay business. Utilizing parts of my brain that have been on "hold" for the last 6 years or so. Re-connecting with some long lost friends and meeting new folks along the way. Playing with great products and having fun.
  • Bible Study is great despite the fact I missed class tonight and will have to make it up Thursday morning!
  • Izzie and Bailey are doing well. They went to the vet today for a puppy check-up and shots. Bailey is now larger than Izzie and they're right at 3 months old. They weighed about 5 pounds each when we brought them home. Now they're between 15 -19. They are sweet little girls and have been a wonderful addition to our family. Speaking of family additions...
  • (It's not what you think) We believe our black cat, Mischief, is pregnant. Keep us in mind if you're interested in kittens! It just doesn't seem fair that she's the last one to become pregnant but will be the first to have her babies.
  • We've become "Wii'd" - Over the weekend we became the owners of a Nintendo Wii system. It came with 5 cool sports games good for the whole family. But wait...there's more... Guitar Hero III and a 2nd guitar "controller." Guitar Hero is truly loved by all of our children. We had to have a "Mario" game and the Olympics one looked like it would be good for both the younger kids to play together. M&M Racing looked fun (and cheap - relatively speaking). We found "Wii Games" which came with a controller so that seemed like a deal. We got one controller I don't even know what it's for. Oh, can't forget the charger. Then Abbey had to have a game. She's a High School Musical fanatic and hey, that one came with a microphone controller for singing along! 'm not sure if that's all or not. I know my husband said there's only one other thing we need...a wee (Wii?) 2nd mortgage!
  • Did I mention I really hate video games? I hate the obsession that takes over. I hate the way it alienates kids from other forms of entertainment. I 'try' to balance my personal dislike for them against my kids' love of them. I was totally against a personal gaming system that the kids take everywhere. I like the idea of the more traditional games encouraging some family game time we might not otherwise have. I really hope this was not a disastrous decision. I still have some misgivings.
  • Remember "Greta?" The original Greta will be guding another's vehicle now. She's been passed down to our oldest son.

I'm planning on a great week. I hope you are, too!

1 comment:

Your PA Friend said...

My Goodness. All these pregnancies - what's in the water down there? First time I've had a chance to check back in. It's a nice way to keep in touch. I'll be needing some Mary Kay soon. I've been using it for about 18 years. Holy cow I'm getting old. Love & miss all of you bunches! Congrats on your "pink" news!