Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Night Bullets

Well, here we are again...another Sunday night. I don't know what it is about Sunday nights that usually finds me in "random thought" mode. It does seem to be pretty consistent, though.

  • There are a number of folks I have admiration for. Some I respect. A few that I love. I'm thankful to say, though, that I'm married to a man that falls into all 3 of those categories.
  • We're kept on our toes with 5 children in 5 very different stages of life. It's probably safe to say we're irritated with at least one or another at any given time. Even so, we know we have 5 pretty terrific kids that we love and are extremely proud of. And, hey, they're probably irritated with us, too!
  • Oldest son was home for the weekend. He actually spent time on school work. He has a paper due tomorrow and (ack!) asked my advice with some of the wording (doesn't he read this blog?!?) I sure hope he gets a good grade! I only had a bit of college and -zero- Shakespeare.
  • Annie, come home... Last May we added two adorable kittens to our family; Annie and Mischief. They are sweet little girls and dearly loved by our family. We don't know why but we haven't seen Annie since about Wednesday or Thursday of last week. She's never been gone before. We've looked around the neighborhood some but no luck. Tomorrow I'll head over to the Humane Society to see if maybe she's there.
  • Our 2-year old grandson, Matthew, came for a visit Friday evening. It's always so nice to see our little guy.
  • I'm excited to start sewing class tomorrow evening. I got a new macine for taking back-and-forth to classes. It's lightweight and now I don't have to worry about damaging my main, heavy, more expensive sewing machine.
  • We had a quiet weekend. We didn't get snow like we anticipated, though. Flurries for a couple of hours but it was preceded by rain and we had no accumulation. I see we may get more around mid-week.
  • Excitement's building... Well, it's only 5 days until my baby turns 7. She's so excited about her birthday. When you ask her what she wants for her birthday she says "Anything Girly!"
  • SC GOP Primary...Well, we were hoping Mike Huckabee would win our Primary yesterday but it wasn't to be. It was a close race and I was impressed by his post-primary speech. The man displays class! That's something that seems to be in short-supply these days.
  • New England Patriots football team is heading to the Super Bowl undefeated. I sure hope they don't win. I was a die-hard Dolphins fan in the early 70's when they went undefeated. I sure would love for them to keep their record of a perfect season/post-season
  • Getting better - It's still early in the process but I've got to tell you that I'm feeling so much better the last couple of days. It was a rough week. I'm really hoping this mess is behind me now.

Have a blessed week...


Shannon said...

That's okay...we want the Giants to win the Superbowl. =)

Sonya said...

New England's QB was spotted with a cast on his foot Monday...

Now you see it...Now you don't -

Seems the cast was gone when spotted entering a famous nightspot.