Sunday, May 25, 2008

Congratulations to our nephew, Michael Chambers, on his dual graduations this month...
Homeschool High School
and Brevard Community College.
Next step...
University of Central Florida.
We're so proud of you, Michael!
God's continued blessings...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Deja Vu?

Deja Vu? No, her name is Kit-Kat!

Kit Kat is a 7-week old calico kitten who joined our family today! (Thank You Baucom Family!) I was nicely surprised to find out she was born on my birthday! After recent events we're hoping she'll be happy as an inside cat.
We decided to surprise the kids so I made arrangements to pick the kitten up on my way home from a Mary Kay appointment. Abbey and Christopher were ecstatic when they saw her! She looks larger in this picture than she really is; she's still itty-bitty.
Apparently I've lost formatting capabilities by using this photo. Please excuse the lack of clear paragraphs in the following text. I separated them but they insist on closer community.
We had some discussion concerning her name. Christopher suggested both "Kit-Kat" and "Zelda." I think he and Abbey would have preferred the latter but I pulled-rank and suddenly we all agreed on "Kit-Kat!" Amazing how that worked out! Sorry, Darrell...
Last weekend Kenneth and I attended Family Life Today's "Weekend to Remember" marriage conference. As you probably know by now, when I get excited about something I want to share it with everyone. That's the case with this conference. They are offered all across the country and are appropriate for everyone from engaged couples (separate breakout sessions offered), newly marrieds, long-time marrieds, strong and happy marriages as well as troubled marriages. There's something for everyone. There was even one couple there married for 54 years! I really can't recommend this enough. Just having a weekend devoted solely to each other was so different for us; we missed the kids, but loved having the time for just the two of us. You can get conference information at .
Yesterday was my big brother's birthday. "Happy Birthday (Uncle) Darrell!" (Sound familiar? I named my oldest son after my two brothers; Darrell and Michael. Also, the two Darrells' birthdays are only 3-days apart!) It never occurred to me while growing up that we might live in different places as adults. We were always so close, but distance prevents us from sharing all those things we used to take for granted. I sure do miss him a lot.
I'm looking forward to the long-weekend and Kenneth's baby-back ribs; they are sooooo good. Tuesday is our daughter and her husband's wedding anniversary so we're excited about that. It's also the day Darrell gets back from Florida. The kids have their AWANA awards night this week; that will wrap that up for the year. Other excitement this time of year has to do with finishing up school and preparing for the upcoming academic year. We generally school year-round but the materials and/or subjects do change. The hard part (choosing curriculum) is over and now that our items are coming in, our excitement is building. As for business, I'm preparing for new merchandise that will be available next month. Keep checking the website for all the latest in skin care and makeup. I was really afraid the fun would subside and this would become simply "a job." I'm so very glad that hasn't been the case. It's such a great fit!
And, of course, every day brings us closer to welcoming our new grandchildren. Closer, but still so far away... You can bet my arms will be aching to hold those precious babies!
Well, I've been long-winded as usual. Time to go play with Kit-Kat! Sure hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Life Is Good...

Today is Tuesday, May 20th.

Our oldest son was born 19 years ago today. He was the "baby" and only son for 9 years. With the arrival of first, Christopher, and then Abigail, Darrell went from being the baby to being our middle child. I'd say he handles it well. Particularly since that's a real see-saw position in our family.

Once his older sisters left the nest, Darrell took on the role of "oldest" child here at home. Now that he's in college he's on his own at school and only home now and then. That's when Christopher tries on the "oldest child" hat.

Even now as I write this, Darrell's in the air over Georgia on his way to Florida for a week. The tough thing about this stage of his life (for us at home) is the coming-and-going. Just when we get used to having him home, he's gone again. Abbey and Christopher don't like the goodbyes all the time (me, either, truth be told) but at least he gets home and we have just as many "hellos" preceding the "goodbyes."

He's a wonderful young man and I'm so very proud of him. He's all heart and cares deeply about his family and friends. All through his childhood and teens he always told me he'd never be embarrassed to walk with me and hold my hand - no matter how old either of us got. So far he's stayed true to his word.

Darrell, there's so much more I could write, Sweetheart. I don't want to embarrass you here so I'll be good and keep it short. Just know that you're loved so very much. I thank God for you each day. I know your birthday didn 't get off to a great start, and I'm sorry about that. I'm just glad you're better now and able to make your trip. We'll celebrate when you get back (sans Pepto!).


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday's Weeds...

Wednesday's Weeds...Mid-week. Slowing down, tiring, need to regroup and rev up for the rest of the week. "Weeds" seemed like a good label for my thoughts today. They start scattered and small but before I know it they've grown and spread and my sunny outlook (today) is turning gray and my weed garden is flourishing!

Today's weeds...

Home School... It's that time of year again... time to decide on curriculum for the kids for next school year. Once decisions are made I love everything about aquiring the new curriculum. It's just getting to that point. Yesterday was a break-through point, though. I do believe I have decided on *most* things. The "biggies," at any rate. So it should get easier from here on out. Until it's ordered/purchased, though, I feel like I have an elephant on my back!

Time Passages... Didn't we just get Darrell settled in at school? Well, he took his last college exam as a freshman last night. A quick trip home for some boxes (and non-campus food) and then he'll be home for the summer come tomorrow evening. I sure hope someone got the license plate number of that truck that just went speeding by!

Mother's Day... I just realized I never mentioned Mother's Day. I had the pleasure of a Ryan's buffet breakfast Sunday morning with all my kids plus Matthew. We were there almost 2-hours and had a great time. Elisa, Rob, Abbey and Christopher made a cake for me for Mother's Day. The gang also furthered my love of my IPod with a gift certificate for ITunes, an adorable stuffed animal to hold (and play) my IPod and a great comedy CD to import into ITunes and be enjoyed on my IPod.

Darrell spent the rest of the day with us and we had some time at home as well as hitting a few stores in the afternoon. We turned things around at dinner-time and had ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery before heading home for sandwiches. You know what they say...Life's uncertain - eat dessert first!

Simple Pleasures... I don't know if I mentioned it or not but Ken, Abbey, Christopher and I went out strawberry picking last Saturday. That, in itself, is what I consider one of Life's Simple Pleasures. But just now, Abbey fixed me a small bowl of strawberries. She can't get enough of them and likes to have someone to share her special strawberry-time with. I hope she know she still has to do her math!

And...Tomorrow I have the honor of going with Elisa to her ultrasound appointment. We get a sneek peak at "Unknown Baby Boy," as Abbey and Christopher refer to him (that just means his parents don't have a 100% name for him yet).

Well, that's about it for today. Refresh, revive and have a great rest of the week!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday "Randomness"

This "randomness" post is in honor of my son, Darrell. He has a great appreciation for "randomness" in general...

**************************************************************************'s just after midnight so that's another Monday now added to the history books.

Not just any Monday, mind you, but the 2,354th Monday of my life.

Mondays get a lot of bad press. Not all Mondays are bad, though. Take today for instance. This was a very normal day. Nothing dire or horrible. No doom and gloom. It was a wonderfully ordinary day.

Of course "tax day" falls on Monday more than any other day. That's because Monday gets its own share of April 15th's as well as it being the official "tax day" whenever April 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday. And since we're discussing painful financial events, it was in 1987 that "Black Monday" occurred on October 19th when "...stock markets around the world crashed..."

Some Mondays are downright hot-diggity-dog, life-is-good, wonderful! Take the 1,199th Monday of my life. My 2nd child was born! Even better is the fact that I labored and gave birth all on the same day and before 6:30 in the morning! Yep - that was a good Monday! (Just for the kids were born on Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Saturday, and Thursday, respectively. I was born on a Tuesday.) Another example came on the 1,736th Monday. That's when my husband adopted our older girls.

In recent years, Christmas fell on a Monday in 2006. Of course that means that New Year's day did as well. Now those are good days! Easter Monday is a holiday/day off for many in the work-force. We can't forget Memorial Day or Labor Day. All fun days for the most part.

In another act of randomness I looked up songs containing the word "Monday" in their title. There are quite a few!

"Monday, Monday" "Rainy Days and Mondays" "Come Monday" "Manic Monday" "I Hate Mondays" "Today Is Monday" "Monday Morning" "Blue Momday" "Except for Monday" "Call It Stormy Monday" "Home on Monday" "Come Next Monday" "Here's Monday" "48-Hours 'til Monday" "Monday All Week Long" "Every Third Monday" "2 Days Monday"

... all that from a quick and easy search.

Wow! Monday really is unpopular in our pop(ular) culture! Talk about no respect! just occurred to me that my son had a French class final exam at school today (Monday!) I sure hope it was a good Monday for him... Maybe he can tell me how to say "Monday" in French.

Hope you have a great Tuesday thru Sunday!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday's Thoughts...

Let's see, this week...

  • I'm working through my feline-related thoughts and emotions in my prayer journal. I can be really ugly there and still receive forgiveness along with a needed attitude adjustment! Friends here have been helpful, too!

  • Shan had her wisdom teeth pulled Tuesday. She's 28 weeks pregnant and just moved last weekend (i.e. not unpacked yet). Not great timing, but then again, is there ever a good time for something like that? Ouch! Speaking of Shannon...

  • Have you ever noticed there are some people who just can't do anything "simply?" That would be Shannon. She joined us for dinner Sunday night but needed a ride to her car and then had to get Josh picked up. Darrell needed to get back to school so I said we'd take her. wasn't quite that easy. Seems she had to go to "Point A" to get her keys. Then to "Point B" to get her car. Upon leaving "Point B" she called us to tell us her car wasn't running well; couldn't get it above 20 miles per hour. So...we followed her to "Point C" (her apartment) and had her park it. Only problem now is that Josh still needs a ride home but we don't know when. They worked it out that his sister would get him home. Ok, we head home. Turns out in the end, though, that Josh ended up walking home the 3 miles or so. At least it wasn't 30! Here's to KISS...Keep It Simple, Sweetie!

  • I'm savoring this morning. Our upstairs porch (just off the dining room) overlooks our back yard. I've been out here since 6:30 this morning and now it's quickly approaching the lunch hour. Abbey's been working on her school work out here and Shannon's popped out a few times for some conversation. Christopher's been doing his school work just inside at the dining room table. Right now the kids are on a small break and are jumping on the trampoline. Izzie is keeping a close eye on them and plays nearby. My wind chime is chiming gently with the breeze and competing with the many birds chirping and singing in the background. I'm trying to take this all in - keep it in memory to be recalled at will - like the next one of "those" days. Of course, if it weren't for some of "those" days I'd never really appreciate the ones like this (yes, even the part where Izzie just ran off with Christopher's shoe..."Izzie! Bring that back right now! Izzie!")

  • May...time for Moms, Dads, and Grads (and in our family Josh's birthday, Darrell's birthday, Uncle Darrell's birthday (my brother), Rob and Elisa's wedding anniversary). The graduation announcements have begun arriving and I'm so excited for the graduates. I can still feel the excitement leading to first Shannon's, then Elisa's, Rob's from Tech, and then Darrell's. I wish the kids could see the avenues open to them as clearly as I can from my viewpoint of "hindsight." The world is theirs for the taking and I hope they grab up all they can.

  • Of course looking forward to Mother's Day followed next month by Father's Day. It's always nice having time with our kids.

  • Last thoughts...Hugs and "Get Well" Wishes to my Matthew, Hugs to Ashley, Congrats Becca and Michael - Really, Really, Really! Elisa - I need you in my calendar, girl!

Best Wishes from the back porch...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"...Take another little piece of my heart..."

My cat, Mischief, is gone. Our son who was pet/house-sitting while we were away remembers seeing her sometime around mid-week. We've been home since Saturday evening and there's been no sign of her. Mischief was not a wanderer. To our knowledge if she wasn't in our yard she was up in a nearby tree. If you didn't see her one minute she'd surely saunter up the next.

One year...

Mischief has been with us for one year. Now she's gone. We went to the Humane Society where I was certain we would find her - but we didn't.

Funny, the timing - the neighbor's dogs kill my kittens - Animal Control comes out and issues warnings - we go away only to come home and find our cat is gone. So, in the 4 months since this neighbor came to my door with the message that her dog would kill my cat, we've unexplainably lost 2 devoted cats in addition to the 4 helpless, 10-day old kittens. That's some run of bad luck.

We miss you, Mischief.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Going Home…

As a family we usually have months to prepare for family trips. A full year in some cases. While traveling is exciting, relaxing and all the other adjectives that go along with vacations in general there’s still nothing quite like going home.

It’s great to get away but hey, home is, well, home. Doesn’t that say it all? My bed, my kitchen, my stuff, my seat on the couch, my bathroom, yadda, yadda, yadda. I’m on the first of two flights heading home. Already I’m envisioning my puppy at the gate of our backyard to welcome us. She’ll be so excited. I hope she’s not too angry with us, though, after her initial happiness that we’re back. Sometimes she’ll be snooty a few days to let us know she didn’t appreciate being left behind. It’ll be great to see Darrell for a few hours before he heads back to school. I’m anxious to see Elisa and Rob – see my daughter glow with the knowledge that she’s having a baby boy. We didn’t know that last week when we left. Shan and Josh will be in their new apartment and I’m sure she’ll look more pregnant this week than she did last week. I’ve realized it’s not the amount of time we’ve been gone – just that we’ve been gone. The distance that was between us. We go longer times in-between not seeing the kids but it’s different with distance.

I’m making a mental grocery list which of course starts out with milk and bread. Hmmm… I wonder what came in the mail while we were gone; besides bills. The thought of those make me want to tell the pilot to turn back around. Oh, I just thought of the laundry – well, at least the dirty clothes are folded. That doesn’t happen often. Yes, it’ll be nice to get back home. Be there soon, Izzie!

Don't (forget to) Look Back...

Beauty in my rear-view mirror…

On our drive back to Las Vegas from California last week I happened to glance in my passenger rear-view mirror. What I saw brought me up short; the sight was incredibly beautiful. Yet another reminder of life’s many lessons for me. In our haste to always see where we’re going it’s easy to lose sight of where we’ve been.

The scene I saw in that mirror was a breathtaking view of the mountains in the glorious colors of sunset. Ahead I saw a line (over 100 miles long!) of cars presumably heading back “home” from a Las Vegas pilgrimage.

As a passenger I rarely check the side mirrors. I’m glad I happened to on this occasion, though. I believe that vision will stay with me for years to come when thinking of the stark beauty of the west-coast mountains.

While our quest is that ahead of us I hope you (and I) never lose sight of the miles behind us. The view can be truly awesome.

Time To Head Home...

Well, we’re all checked in and through security at Las Vegas’ McCarren airport. I’ve got about 30 minutes until we board so I thought I’d jot a few notes.

I promised you the most boring Las Vegas travel log ever. We don’t party, we don’t gamble and we’re generally “early to bed and early to rise.” Let’s just say we did the same things we would have done at home – only we did them here in Las Vegas and in a very nice 9th floor suite with a HUGE outdoor porch that ran the entire length of the suite. The hotel was only 11-floors which is about the size of most of the parking garages here. Ken and the kids really enjoyed the indoor pool, though. I tried to make business calls during their pool time but only scored a “so-so” in that department.

It was wonderful holding school with Abbey in the cool morning air on the porch with the view of Las Vegas and the mountains spread out before us. Christopher chose to do his school inside where it was presumably quiet since Abbey and I were working outside and Daddy was in his classes. We had a table and 4-chairs as well as 2 chaise loungers; one with a pad and one without. Since we’re in a betting town you could easily wager that the kids fought over the lounge chair with the padded cushion. They either took turns or used a towel on the 2nd one. There really isn’t much our two youngest won’t fight over.

Since we’ve been here a few times before we really didn’t do a lot of the tourist stuff. M&M World and floats at Coca-Cola World were “musts.” Obligatory visits to any Sam’s or Costco’s we found along the way. Girls only and guys only dinners one evening (Ken and Christopher chose the buffet at Mandalay Bay while Abbey requested an ice-cream dinner from Cold Stone Creamery in Excalibur), and the dancing fountains at Bellagio. We ate dinner at the Sidewalk CafĂ© in Bally’s one evening where you could place Keno bets from your table and the games were displayed on screens throughout the restaurant (we didn’t). The theme was early Vegas with pictures of Sinatra, Davis, Martin, and Bishop all around and music to match!

The highlight for me would be our California excursion last Sunday. This aging east-coast girl dipped her toes in the Pacific at Huntington Beach (after stopping at Costco for a new pair of Crocs due to sore feet from my sandals). We drove the interstates often featured on Fox News for high-speed police chases, and saw the Crystal Cathedral and California Angels stadium in Anaheim. Dinner at Chile’s in San Bernardino before driving back through the mountains to Las Vegas.

We did enjoy the manager’s reception at the hotel each evening – just enough to spoil some appetites for dinner, but great people-watching and regrouping time for us before dinner. We had wonderful breakfasts at the hotel each morning, lunches at Jersey Mike’s, Great American Pancake, Costco, Wendy’s and such. Dinners were as noted above plus a couple trips to TGI Fridays, and two nights of local pizza/wings/spaghetti/subs in our room.

We just got our boarding call so I’ve got to go for now.

Friday, May 2, 2008

It's About Time...

Well, it's Friday and our Las Vegas adventure is almost at its end. We have only a few hours left before we pack it all up and prepare to head back home tomorrow morning.

I'm not exactly sad to be leaving Sin City. The part that's most difficult is giving back the 3 hours we gained by flying cross-country. Right now it's 11:00 am on the east coast. Here it's only 8:00 am and I'm sitting here with my flavored coffee typing away. When I wake up here at 6:00 am and feel good about getting a good jump on the day - well, come Sunday morning it will be 9:00 am and I will have slept most of the morning away!

The first few days is a little rough. We wake up based on west coast time but go to bed based on east coast time. Well, that gets old quickly. About day 3 or 4 we're firmly on west coast time. Now I'm preparing to give those precious hours back.

I think I'll go take a nap!

Stay tuned for the most boring travel log from Las Vegas ever...