Friday, August 28, 2009


Mind-blogging is a wonderful thing. That's where I 'write' all these wonderful blog entries - in my mind - that never make it to this screen. Trust me - I've done a lot of mind-blogging this last month - and I'm sure they were some of the best I've ever done. But you'll just have to take my word for that...

Seriously - there just aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I'd like to. Then, when there is time to, say, sit down and write a blog, I may not be in the mood. My creative well may be completely dry (refrain from rude comments, please).

My blog is not the only thing to be ignored lately. My weight-loss journey has been more a running-in-place exercise as opposed to making real progress. I definitely need to refocus and not let a busy lifestyle derail me. Did I really use the term 'exercise' just then? Scary...that's been neglected too.

Yes, we are 'back in school' at our house - literally at our house. We are a homeschooling family and I'm excited and thrilled to be back to our studies. I like to believe we don't take summer off but it seems we usually do - despite my best intentions.

I love being back in our classroom (our schooling was done at my daughter's home part of last year) and having our own space devoted to our studies. In addition to our desks and tables we also have a comfy couch that is just wonderful for reading time. Even our loyal dog, Trudy, has adjusted. She now has a bed and food/water in our classroom - right under our primary white-board. She doesn't get much lap time but she is with us most of the day.

And finally...

Setting up camp...

Our first official family camping trip was a success - or at least half-a-success. We opted to stay comfortable and dry at home Friday night and made our way to the campsite Saturday morning instead - after the rain checked-out. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. We're so fortunate to live in an area of the country with such great camping/hiking opportunities in the vicinity.

I'm also fortunate as a 'newbie' camper to have my husband as a campanion (ok, pretty lame, I know). He's not just a Boy Scout - he's a Scout Master. That means he has thought of everything as far as safety, survival, supplies, gear, etc. Well...almost everything - (pay attention, men) if a woman tells you that bathroom facilities aren't that important - don't believe her. Our next trip will include a portable camping potty. Our walking sticks that I thought a novelty really came in 'handy.' (ugh...ok, I'll stop). We have tarps ropes, lanterns, flashlights and doohickies galore. Not being well-versed in tents and such I was a little surprised when my son asked me how I liked sleeping in "the HUGE tent." I guess being able to stand up to dress, make the bed and such is a luxury. Who knew? Oh yeah - my Scout Master, that's who.

Hoping you have a wonderful weekend.