Monday, April 25, 2011


Two of our g'kids start a 2-day a week preschool program today. I'm excited for them and only a little nervous. I am, after all, their g'mom.

Before Alexis' arrival Zach was in a wonderful program where he did very well. His former teacher is a wonderful, caring woman. She still attends many Z-events and he's been very blessed to have Miss Lisa in his life. So, aside from the fact that he's now firmly in his wonderful/terrible two's, I'm not worried about him (maybe his teacher, but hey, if you choose to work with 2-years olds...)

This will be a brand-new experience for Alexis. Between family and friends she's been around other children a good bit, but I think it will be new for her to have a caretaker who isn't a member of her family. She's so sweet and easy-going, though, that I don't think this will be a problem.

All this to say that I'm saying extra prayers for these two precious kiddos today. I hope and pray for wonderful experiences with caring people in an atmosphere of wonder and play!


This handsome young man is our dear Matthew. He's our oldest grandchild and this is his pre-school graduation picture.

Milestones or stepping stones...they mean the same. They (and we) are all on journies of 1000+ miles, and all, begin with those very first steps.

We don't get to share in as many of his steps as we would like but our hearts partake in each one.


Over the weekend Abbey took us on a trip to the local Home Improvement store. She wanted a rose bush. It was also time to get tomatoes started again. So...before long we were loading a rose bush, plant food, 2 tomato plants, a random plant, and a beautiful pink dahlia we found (specific hybrid to aid in breast cancer research). I thought the dahlia was going to be mine but Abbey had other ideas. She's also taken over care of the peonies in our back yard planted by her grandfather many years ago. Over the weekend we found out the he had planted those because they reminded him of his mother; they had been her favorite flowers. Time to grab the watering can!

Spring is such a wonderful time of year!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Random Thoughts no particular order

Easter - Celebrating with joy the wonder of this day. Reflecting on my relationship with Jesus and being so thankful for God's incredible gift!

Remember to "Be still..." It sounds odd to say that I miss my blog. Ok, so I'm odd. I do miss my blog...I miss feeling inspired enough to write something - OR - energized enough. There are many things which that applies to; baking, cooking, reading, knitting, playing board games with the kids, etc... Families today are on treadmills set way too fast. Do we view our worth by how busy we are? How full our calendar is? Maybe that's why I particularly love Psalm 46:10 where we are told to "Be still and know that I am God"

Royal Wedding...Yes, I must admit that I'm following some of the hoopla concerning the upcoming nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton (and NO, I do not read supermarket tabloids). I feel a little embarrassed by this but counter by saying that I have a 10-year old princess of my own and she's enthralled with the whole thing. We're anxious to see 'the dress,' the carriage ride, and the couple's balcony appearance. I was brought up reading fairy-tales and this is the closest thing we have to them. So, laugh if you must, I can handle it. I'll just send my fairy godmother after you!

Cars - We recently purchased two cars for our family. I find it interesting (and humorous) to see the process of 'getting to know,' and then, personalizing, our cars. For me, it has included some of the following...

  • Transitioning from seeing it as 'a car' to 'my car.'

  • Establishing a relationship; My car! We're a team! We'll take care of each other! Then...a trip to the dealer for a glitch. Still happy but a touch more cautious.

  • Designed custom front-plate

  • Applied for personalized SC license plate

  • Set radio stations

  • New key ring

  • Purchased floor mats (a little sporty-looking AND practical)

I spend a lot of time in my car. I want it to reflect 'me,' - at least a little bit. This has been a good start but we hopefully have a number of years to spend together, and hey, I still have a rearview mirror, bumper, and back windshield for my canvas. Oh, and for the record, I see my husband doing many of the same things with his car!

Hobbies - What an incredible time to pick up a new hobby! I started knitting about a year ago. I'm an ok knitter at this point. I can tell you, however, that I wouldn't be any kind of a knitter (except a failed one) without the tools and technology we have available now. Online magazines, online patterns, YouTube videos, EBooks, Video classes, online yarn shops, knitting specific blogs, Ravelry (think of FaceBook for knitting), Skype, and so much more. If you've ever had a hobby or interest you wanted to pursue, there's never been a better time!

Graduation - Our oldest son, Darrell, is graduating from University of South Carolina - Upstate in 9-days. I can't begin to convey how proud, happy, and excited I am about this. Congratulations, Darrell!

Cocoa Krispies, really? - A blast from the past...I was reminded how much I (still) love Cocoa Krispies cereal. Just eat them fast because they get soggy (but oh so chocolatey) pretty fast. So, on that note, have a wonderful week and don't be afraid to eat your favorite childhood cereal (and maybe a pb&j for lunch!). Got milk?