Monday, December 28, 2009

In Memoriam...

Virginia Whitaker

February 27, 1924 - December 25, 2009

December...Part 2

My December...
So many joys, celebrations, events. But painful losses and hurt, too. I know we are shaped, defined even, by our struggles. Through them we can truly appreciate our countless blessings.

December 2 - Beth R's birthday. Beth was my best friend growing up; primarily during my elementary school years. I'd love to reconnect with her. It's been years!

December 3 - My husband's brother Roger and his wife Vivienne's 26th Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary!

December 6 - My precious niece was born on this day in 1973. One of the happiest days of my (then) young life! Happy Birthday, Tamara!

December 6 - The day my father-in-law passed away, 8-years ago. He's still dearly missed.

December 10 - My wedding anniversary! Definitely one of my most favorite days of the year!

December 10 - Alan W's birthday. A wonderful, dear man I'm blessed to have as a family member.

December 15 - My youngest nephew was born on this date in 1997. My youngest son arrived 3 months later and the two are great friends in addition to being cousins. Happy Birthday, Andrew!

December 19 - My husband, Kenneth's, birthday. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart! I Love You!

December 20 - Another niece, Michelle W., was born on this day 26 years ago. Happy Birthday, Michelle! I'd love to have one of your special hugs - it's been much too long.

December 24 - The eve we celebrate Christmas with extended family. Always a wonderful time with those we love.

December 25 - Christmas Day. A time of joy and reflection on the birth of our savior, Jesus. Also a warm and wonderful time with immediate family in the morning and throughout the day.

December 25, 2009 - My father's wife, Virginia Whitaker, passed away this evening after a brief illness diagnosed in November. I'm so sorry for the loss and pain my father is going through at this time.

December 28 - My dear friend, Dawn F's birthday. We met as teens and aside from the physical distance between us the ties remain strong. Sure wish we could celebrate this day together over lunch and catch-up time! Miss you, Dawn!

December 28 - Happy? Anniversary, Jeff. We certainly made some memories. Hope you kept the happier ones like I have.

December 31 - New Year's Eve - A time to usher out the old and ring in the new. The way I like to celebrate this has changed over the years but the promise of a 'new beginning' retains an irresistable sparkle...

Happy New Year...

December...Part 1

In my experience December is certainly the most dramatic month of the year. The weight of expectation hangs on it like a heavy snow on eaves and rooftops.

It is, after all, Christmas! Highs, lows, hot and cold. Stark contrasts from the 1st to the31st. We may spend months preparing for it...and months recovering from it. An emotional see-saw even to those even-keeled folks, the sans-drama-ites; mania disrupting the calm.

I was dreading this holiday season. Just wanted it to be over. My husband could have joined me in my pity-party but he refused. We had a beautiful Christmas. He made sure of it. Through it all he kept a thankful, upbeat, joy-of-the-season attitude. I took the easy way out - it's easy to feel defeated and overwhelmed. Easy to go with the sadness. He was the 'rock.' He took the cliche' lemons and made wonderful lemonade. In retrospect I wish I had done the same for him. Been his rock. But I wasn't.


Alas, just ahead is the 'New Year!' I can start again. Refocus. Get back on track. Face, and hopefully accept the challenges along the way.

Life, and more importanly, God, offers us many chances to get back on track. Even make complete u-turns if necessary. We may fail today but that doesn't doom us to failure in the days to come. Failure, like attitude, is often something we choose. We have little input in what we're given. We do, however, determine what we make of it.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Special Day!

Birthday Wishes Today To My Husband, Kenneth.
You're The Best...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Challenge

There is within each of us a dream, an idea, a cause; a certain 'something' that we can be or are passionate about.

Have you found yours?

Apathy and mediocrity are passion killers.

Explore, ignite, and pursue that which brings out the passion in you.

Merry Christmas...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pretty Cool Science Lesson

The following video was sent to me awhile back from a dear friend. I got chills from this and wanted to share it here. Sit back, relax, and be amazed...