Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cox

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Shannon and Josh had a simple, yet warm, wedding ceremony held at the Pickens County Probate Court. The wedding was attended by family and a few close friends of the wedding couple.

A group of about 18 attended a dinner celebration that evening at Golden Corral in Easley. It was all very low-key and family-centered.

We're very happy for the young couple and hope their marriage is truly blessed.

It's amazing to me that a wedding takes place in mere minutes; the vows repeated in just a few seconds. The lifelong commitment and the seriousness of the promises made is hard to comprehend.

Those who have been married many years generally look back at those early days with a smile. There was so much to learn, so much to experience.

So even though we may be farther down the marriage road we are still learning and still experiencing life day-in and day-out, not as individuals, but as a couple; a team.

And thanking God for his gifts and blessings all along the way.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Marriage in the Making...

Today is our oldest daughter's last day of singlehood. Tomorrow afternoon she'll marry the man she has chosen to share the rest of her life with. Her father and I pray that God will richly bless their marriage and family. It will be nice having Josh as a son-in-law.

Abbey started speech therapy this morning. She's actually happy to have home work! Go figure.

Shannon and I went to a sewing class last week. Leave it to me...my class consisted of cutting my fabric and then sewing it back on. Seems we cut off too much. Shannon, on the other hand, is making a blanket for Kaitlyn. She knows absolutely nothing about sewing. She has learned that she doesn't like pinning fabric. I don't hold out much hope that she'll pursue sewing as a hobby. Our sewing teacher was wonderful in the patience department. She kept Abbey occupied, worked with me and my project, worked with Shannon on her project and did it all while Kaitlyn fussed, played, got bored, fussed, etc...

My mother-in-law was in the hospital all last week. Fortunately she dodged a bullet (surgery) and was able to get home late Sunday. She's on the mend but it's going to take a little while for her to get her strength back and feel like her old self again.

Kenneth and I have small-group this evening. We were unable to attend the first two meetings so I'm really looking forward to meeting those we don't know and seeing some old friends, too. I'm also feeling like I need our current study - it's about attitude. Mine's been a little on the uglier side lately.

Oops - baby Zach calls. More later.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Choose the path, you choose the destination..."

New Favorite Quote...

'Choose the path, you choose the destination.' From "A Christmas Sweater" by Glenn Beck.

Countless times each day I make what I feel are small, meaningless decisions where I choose one path but still feel I'm going to my intended destination - in a different direction. This quote opened my eyes to that fact. Wow! That's like a revelation. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

If only...
If only a blog could solve problems or make hurt go away. I'd arrange the words so carefully and right a wrong today.

Confidential to Dawn Marie... I love you, friend. Wish I could send a hug across the miles.

Friday Lunch Date...
This Friday I will have lunch with a friend. With such busy, hectic lives, this will be a special treat.

Concern for Dad...
I understand my dad has been having health problems the last few months. He lives in Florida and, let's just say he's not great at sharing information. I end up getting bits and pieces from him and my brothers. Right now he's waiting on a test through his local VA hospital. It's supposed to be state-of-the-art. Ideally we'll get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment and he can finally feel well again.

Big Dawg!
About a year ago we went to our local Humane Society in search of a new family pet. If you were reading back then you may remember that we ended up with two adorable puppies that day. Izzie and Bailey. I chose Izzie and, Christopher, tearfully, just couldn't pass up the teeny-tiny puppy with the sad eyes. Well, over time we ended up giving Bailey to our daughter. After our grandson was born Bailey started staying with Rob's mom, Barbara. That worked out well so bailey now lives with Barbara. Well, Barbara is on vacation for two weeks and Bailey is back here at Elisa's. Bailey was also still growing. she has grown so much that she's taller than the kitchen garbage can when on all- fours. I just can't believe how big that teeny-tiny puppy has grown. Izzie, well, she looks a little like a bear. Not as tall as Bailey, but plenty stocky and very solid. Oh, and yes, Bailey still knows how to use those big, sad eyes of hers.

Golden Nugget...
For a wonderful series on marriage check out http://Newspring.cc , choose Current Series on the right and start with Week 1 (series is only in its second week).

Have a Great Rest of the Week!