Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy, Happy, Happy!

As you can tell from the title I'm a happy blogger today. In answer to the burning question...Yes! Our bed is GREAT! You have no idea how relieved I am. Particularly considering I didn't sleep well at all Friday night - but I really didn't believe it was due to the bed. I was always comfortable - just not sleeping much. Last night, however, was MUCH better AND I was comfortable. Yes, happy, happy, happy.

I'm also happy because tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I only have a few presents left to wrap. Abbey and I are going to make cookies later this afternoon/this evening (we were sidetracked by a 24-hr bug)and our dinner tomorrow evening is low-key and low-stress as far as preparation goes. Now, if everyone is on their good behavior we should have a lovely evening; the culmination being a candlelight Christmas church service. There's nothing like having all of my kids (and grandson) home at the same time. Amazing that what I once took for granted is now such a special event.

Christmas morning will be filled with the excitement which can only be generated by children. All around them the air is full of excitement. They count down, they break into laughter for no apparent reason. They twirl 'round in circles and dance about. This behavior will increase considerably between now and Tuesday morning.

I hope you're enjoying the excitement of this holiday! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

It was such a great Christmas Eve.