Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Plays Well With Others - But Not Tooday...

I have had a wonderful couple of days! My anniversary was terrific and the following day the kids and I went to Columbia, SC with Ken. He had an extended job there that was keeping him overnight so we tagged along, did some shopping, enjoyed eating out, and had the fun of a mini-vacation but with less packing and laundry!

Back home a short while and my mood began to plummet. Quite frankly, my attitude right now isn't pretty. If you're looking for "Don't Worry...Be Happy" or "Feelin' Groovy...' or anything similar - keep looking because you won't find it here. (Those are old song titles for any youngsters that might be here.)

From this point on this post is either (another) soapbox speech, whine session or angry diatribe. Continue reading at your own risk. You've been warned.


A neighbor came to my door earlier this afternoon complaining about my cats. Seems she doesn't care for their visits to her house. They mostly visit her next-door neighbor but will venture over there occasionally. She blames my cats for her dog getting out of his fence. He's a large bulldog that terrorizes the neighborhood kids. Particularly when he gets out of his yard. Let's just say my cats are now quite familiar with the trees in the triangle of homes. I'm at a loss as to how one keeps an outdoor cat in his own yard. We're going to try and bring them back in and see how it goes but outdoor cats usually prefer to stay that way. I want to be a good neighbor so I'm hoping I can find a solution for this.

Next... Yes, there is a next. The neighbor's visit was irritating but now I'm just angry.

Through our church, homeschool groups and local media we know there are many needs out there. Many families who can't provide Christmas for their kids. Many children who only ask for a pair of adequate shoes and socks. Add to that the fact that my husband works for Goodwill Industries. Their purpose is to train people for work. Handicapped people, unskilled people, people who just need a hand to get started so they can be self-supporting. You would not believe what these people will go through in order to get a job. What they overcome. We have been a part of the Goodwill family for 11 years now and have seen first-hand the wonderful results.

Then I find some young adults who are intelligent, healthy, vibrant and capable - but refuse to work. For whatever reason they are very comfortable on public assistance. They feel some sort of entitlement, I guess. Medicaid, food stamps - no problem. They run to hospital ER's like most people go to the drug store. The women receive prenatal care and testing far better than what my private insurance covered. Medications and Dr. ofc visits for $5 or less. They live in nice apartments, have cars, cable tv, cell phones, laptop computers, Tivo, tatoos, etc. They'll scorn public transportation or the thought of working in fast-food. They live with their partners instead of marrying in order to stay on public assistance.

How dare they? How dare they! As of January 1st our health insurance premiums go up over 50% for family coverage. Any raise received is immediately wiped out and the employee's pay goes backwards. Each year the take home pay decreases while medical premiums, co-pays, deductibles and taxes all go up. Yet millions of people get up, go to work - even when they don't feel like it, maybe put their kids in childcare (at astronomical costs), bring home that paycheck and pay their own bills. Simply because that's what they're supposed to do. That's what's right. A person takes pride in taking care of his own. When things get rough you cut back where you can, you take on 2nd jobs or part-time jobs. You skip costly entertainment and come up with ideas for free or inexpensive ways of spending time with your family.

Yes, I'm angry. In the logical sense, I know this goes on all the time. But when it hits me square in the face - it hurts and angers me tremendously.

I probably have no right judging what others do with their money but this isn't right. My mother was disabled from a stroke and heart problems. She didn't receive disability pay. She hated not being able to do her work as she always had. My 75-yr old father still goes to work each day. Many days he's out in the intense south Florida heat and humidity working as hard as any of his employees out there. I have a brother with recent health issues - he can no longer do what he's been doing for years. He still works, though. Does all he can. I'm not currently in the work force. I homeschool my two youngest kids. I'm also not on public assistance. I am studying to get certified to work in a hospital where I can work in the evenings while my husband is home with the kids. It's how we were raised. I'm not the worker my mother was and she would have told you she wasn't the worker her mother was, etc. Public assistance is a good thing - for those who NEED it. Not WANT, but NEED. Anyone abusing the system; where there is no need - now that's a disgrace and a slap in the face to every person who earns a wage and supports your lazy lifestyle. Get a job! Earn enough to pay for you and the kids you decide to have. You are not the responsibility of the taxpayers and all those who work hard and make their own way.

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