Friday, December 7, 2007

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet...

Yes, it's true. A western North Carolina earthquake was felt as far away as Greer, Taylors, Inman, Landrum and other areas of the upstate this morning.

From what the news reports we're likely to experience more. It seems there are a number of fault lines in the Upstate SC/Western NC area. And just when life starts to get boring... Tremors!

I've been looking at this page for awhile now and can't seem to come up with anything to rival an earthquake so instead I'll share my holiday thoughts on this late Friday, December 7th afternoon.

  • I love eggnog. Actually I love drinking eggnog in "fancy" wine glasses after toasting with Ken and the kids.
  • I laugh at the mailings that come in telling me "there's still time!"and "last minute gifts!"
  • I love when Ken chooses each of our favorite Christmas songs to play. "Mary Did You Know?" for Christopher, "Happy Birthday, Jesus" for Abbey, "Christmas Eve at Sarajevo" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra" for Kenneth, and "I'll Be Home For Christmas" for me. Except I have to tell them my favorite because they never remember.
  • I love new ornaments for our tree. This year we're adding a ballet ornament, a baseball ornament and 4 M&M's ornaments; Blue, Green, Yellow and Red (Ken collects the M&M dispensers and we always enjoy going to M&M World when we're in Las Vegas)

That's a quick December afternoon synopsis. I'm very glad it's Friday. We should have a nice weekend. The traffic will remind us it's Christmas even if the weather doesn't (71 degrees both Saturday and Sunday).

I hope your weekend is wonderful!

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