Saturday, December 8, 2007

Our Intro to Election 2008

As you can see by the photos on the right, our family went out this morning to hear former Arkansas Governor and 2008 Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee speak to a group of supporters gathered for a "Meet and Greet" appearance. How's that for a long sentence?!?

We've never been involved in a campaign before, and while we're not really "involved" in Mike Huckabee's, this is the first time we've followed one this closely. As a homeschooling mom I enjoy and appreciate this opportunity to teach my kids about the election process while giving them a more up-close and personal view than they might otherwise have. Our recent trip to DC was a great segue to this season of political campaigns.

I won't assume to tell others who they should vote for. I also haven't found a candidate I can agree with 100% on everything. What I would ask of each and every one who may read this is that you look at the issues and the candidates and make informed choices. Exercise your right (and responsibility, imho) to vote. Recent history has shown that every vote truly does count. While our country is not perfect - I believe it's the best thing going and there's no room for apathy.

Ok, soapbox mode off...

Cute kids, huh?

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