Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sunday Night Thoughts OR On My Soapbox

Well, it's Sunday night and I guess that just means that my thoughts are a bit more scattered today than the other 6 days of the week. Maybe it's a let-down reflex; kind of a mental day-off.

Easy Targets - Why is it that those we love the most end up being the easiest targets for our anger and frustration. Those feelings have to be directed somewhere and I don't think we ever learn how to direct them ONLY at ourselves; at least not without some spillover in the direction of those closest to us. This is a lose/lose situation; it stinks being the one dishing it out and it stinks being on the receiving end.

Salvation Army Bell Ringers - Bless their hearts - they are very nice. They never stare you down or do anything at all to make you feel guilty if you walk right past them without a "ka-ching" in the kettle. Our family makes one cash drop the day after Thanksgiving - and then (I) feel guilty for the remainder of the Christmas season. Maybe we should just give a little at a time for the duration???

Blessing Hearts- Isn't it funny how you can say anything you want to about a person without getting into trouble - as long as you say "Bless His/Her Heart!"

They Say Insanity Is... - According to Benjamin Franklin or Albert Einstein (only a 1-pg Google search - it showed both - too lazy to research further - maybe tomorrow)“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Well, that makes sense to me. One of these days I'll have to introduce my logical self to my normal self. I hesitate because I think it would be like mixing oil and water. Anyway, back to insanity and repetition. I hate repetition - if you've been a reader for a while you'll know I wrote about that once. So...if that's the case - why do I keep doing BAD/STUPID/DETRIMENTAL things over and over again AND expect the results to be different? One of my resolutions is to consciously change those actions and attempt to get the different results. Is this making sense? If not, just smile and nod - we'll get out of the fog before long.

Seriously...yes, SERIOUSLY (Wake up G A fans)... From quotes to cliché’s -
You can't teach an old dog new tricks - I can't afford to believe this. I will submit that it may be difficult - but I can't believe it's impossible. Too many things I need to change and I'm certainly not getting any younger. Ooh...speaking of which - I just found out a few days ago that my oldest daughter is expecting her 2nd child and I should be grandmax2 by the end of July. My grandson is absolutely wonderful - he needs a little sister to be a good big-brother to. So...think pink!

Ever feel less than wonderful about treatment you've received from someone else? Remember this... Dis me once - shame on you. Dis me again - shame on ME!

It's amazing how many of our "problems" are only problems because we allow them to be. Personally speaking - most of my problems are within my control. How wonderful is that? Now I just need to TAKE CONTROL over them.

And finally - Do you have direction? A plan? A goal? Which way do you go if you have no destination in mind? Think of your garden hose. With guidance and direction the water goes where you want it to. Let go and watch how it spins and turns and dips and rises in all directions. Know where you're going so you'll know how to get there.


Life is like a GPS - it can't direct you anywhere until you tell it where you're going.

And on that note - I'll hop off my soapbox and listen to my inner GPS telling me it's time for bed.

Have a terrific week! Walk tall, smile, and if it's a really great day...hum, or even Whistle!


dcorvette5 said...

Luke 4:23. And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.

Sonya said...

It's funny - as familiar as that is I never knew it came from the Bible. A great reminder!

dcorvette5 said...

See, even old dogs can teach old tricks.

dale rogers said...

and i thought i was moving up in the world because i got my cell phone turned back on!